Friday, August 01, 2008
Anxiety-Making... and other allusions you may or may not understand...
So here is some sad news. I don't know if I will be able to get my tattoo here. We went to Edmonton (which was so much fun) last weekend, but having such a love for clothes I spent my tattoo money. So going to college next year and paying for that stuff is more important that a tattoo at this stage in my life, though it really does pain me to say so. I called D+M seriously for about two weeks trying to get in for an appointment, but either they had no free spots or Chad, the artist I want to tattoo me, wasn't in. So it is really a bust for me and makes me sad. If I had all the money in the world (or a steady paying job) I might be able to consider it, but since I am a summer volunteer going to college next year and therefore putting myself in debt because of OSAP with no job prospects in the future, I can't really be frivolous. (I wasn't really thinking about that in Edmonton...)
Other than that nothing is really on my mind. We are supposed to have a Graffiti clean up around the city tomorrow morning, but there is talk of rain. It has rained all week. We haven't gotten and tattoo stories this week. The whole city seems to be in a weird funk because of the bad weather. This morning was gorgeous which helped a bit. We just need our sunlight!
Oh my family and friends are all going to Kingdom Bound... That is so sad because this is the first year my fam is going and I won't be there. I believe the Hunt's left today and everyone else leaves tomorrow. I actually am really missing it. I think I am preparing my heart to leave already. In a way I don't want to because we have made a lot of friends here and it has been an amazing summer, but 3 months is a long time to be away from home. (I figured if you include the 10 days driving time it ends up being 3 months approx.) I guess I am just ready.
Overall though I think I have definitely grown a lot! Jen was telling me she thinks I have really softened, become gentler and deeper. I think this is partially the case, but also I am just getting tired. And frustrated, but mostly tired. I know God has it under control but it still is anxiety-making! (catch the Pretty's reference there?) I'm glad for the friends I have and have made here though. I have a hard time talking about my own issues and anxieties because I am so used to listening to others' problems and don't take time to work my own out. I just hold it all inside until I am about to burst. SO I am glad I have people who can just be there for me and for a Savior who is always willing to listen even when I feel like I can't tell anyone else.... when I don't want to tell anyone else.
Alright well I wasn't planning on getting in to all that... but ya. There's me in a nutshell!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Amazing Spirit-Filled Night
Tonight we had prayer and intersession. It was basically amazing! I don't know how else to describe it. I love Thursday night because we are always so filled with the spirit and it is such a time of refreshment. Tonight though I was asked by Sarah Kirshner to sing with her and Justin who usually lead. I also had this book of verses for different occasions that Rick gave me to read verses out of. Just singing in the spirit is the best experience for me because I feel like I am actually using my God-given gift for his will. Then Rick, Kathy, Bill, and Sam prayed over me. It was just really affirming in what I was doing and really encouraging to me to pursue God's purpose for me here, to not be afraid and just go with the Spirit's leading. At one point someone mentioned something about being a daughter of the King, a princess, and that is what my name means and what my mom always reminds me of. She also gave me this book which is little messages from God to his princess which apply to different situations and discouragements. I was crying a lot... I needed it though because it has been a pretty stressful.
Anyways... ya that was my night. Now I am talking to some friends on french to one... haha yay!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
My so-called busy life...
I am sorry that I have sucked this passed little while. I have been so busy that I haven't even checked facebook... *GASP* I know! They really should just add facebook into the dictionary... I don't know why it still comes up as an error. I guess I could just add it.
So I have been so busy because of Ink Speaks...but also because of Canada Day. We had the big Hawk Nelson Show on Monday night. That was crazy and I did get to go on stage for a few songs because our team got backstage passes. BUT we only got three or something so we had to trade up. I got pics but on someone not from our teams camera so I will have to wait until she adds me on facebook to get them. Then yesterday was the parade and stuff. It was exhausting and we all dressed up like clowns and handed out candy. It was cold but Sam and I had to run around to KAOS and then catch up to the float again so my makeup was melting a little bit. Then we had to help out around the Dugout for the giant barbecue. Let me explain that Canada Day is a huge thing here and there were people everywhere, tents lining the streets with vendor and food and free t-shirts. It was a lot of fun. I saw this mountain bike stunt demo and it was pretty cool though the guys really needed to practice up a bit. I did some interviews... Then we were doing some dramas in the GAS (guaranteed applause show) and there were bands playing and Jason from Hawk came and preformed a few songs. The Rezz Dawgs also came and did like...two.
Then today we started electives which kids can take morning and afternoon. Right now we are doing drama and music. I am the drama co-coordinator but today I was teaching guitar to a couple kids. We only have two and I need one so I could only teach one at a time but it works out. And now I should be transcribing because I am very behind yet again. So I will leave it at this and you can leave a comment!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Now I am sitting watching a documentary with Leah and Adam called Dogtown and the Z-Boys. And am getting way too distracted. And Sam wants the I will chat more later! See ya!
(Side note: that was all last night but the Internet decided to stop working for me.)Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A Longer Update...
So this morning I was asked to share my testimony. It wasn't on the spot or anything...We do one every Tuesday and Friday. Bill started us off last Friday and I went second. Ailin is on this Friday. It was good though. I pretty much wrote it up yesterday and I got a little emotional during it, not to the point of crying...haha It was definitely not a repeat of Hope Valley Devo Camp 2 of 2007. It has been good for me because if helped me to see where I have come from and therefore where I am going... And I think I am headed somewhere good! Jesus Christ = Semper Fidelis "Always Faithful". I am very tempted to get that tattooed on my arm now! haha I have too many plans! And so little money...
So my parents sent me a package for my birthday... I was so excited when I heard that from my sister (thanks for ruining the surprise! ;-) BUT it hasn't arrived yet! I am actually so anxious. I am missing everyone quite a bit and having something sent to me just brings you all a little closer... (That is a hint for you guys to send me stuff! kidding! Actually that would be cool though...)
So today is the...17th. That means Sam, Jay, Kathy (Rick's wife), and Nathan (he isn't part of our team, but is Rick's son) will be on their way up in two days. Mike is going to be coming up later because he has to graduate first. Pfffftt... He will be flying here with Rick who is heading home for a bit for a wedding.
Alright I think that is pretty much it... I hope that was a little more informative than my last post!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Quick Update
I don't really know what exactly to write at the moment. Uh... we went to an Anglican Church this morning. We are going back to the Baptist Church tonight. Our laundry is going to be done soon and and i will write more later...
Monday, June 09, 2008
Day 13 - My crazy day!
What funny anecdotes can I relay to you tonight... well check the one for my "Bear in two minutes!" tale. That one got us a laugh, and a fright. I had a pretty eventful day so I guess I will just start there.
This morning my alarm didn't go off for some reason even though I checked and it definitely should have. So I got up at 8 when we were supposed to be eating breakfast and showered really quickly (my family won't believe that) and ate some cereal which was gross because I wasn't hungry. Then it was decided that because I have a CAA membership I was going to stay behind with Bill (who arrived up here Friday) and call a tow truck because our van still is not fixed (thaaank you Canadian Tire...). I had so many issue with info that I didn't know and was put on hold about 15 times (no joke) and in the 3 phone calls I made to them. Then Jen's phone (the only one I had) was dying and kept beeping at me angrily. I ran around our apartment trying to find her charger which is still lost. Finally I just went and sat in the van and waited for the tow truck, thinking it could take up to 4 hours for them to get there. I actually almost fell asleep but luckily I opened my eyes and noticed that the tow truck was here. It had only taken about 45 minutes. (it is only 10:30 at this time by the way).
The hook up went relatively easily, we got in the tow truck and the driver (nice guy) was taking us to Canadian Tire. Half way there I realize my wallet was not in my pocket. He pulled over and Bill stepped on on the side step of the truck (it being quite tall, big enough to carry a safari van) and the trucker guy got out to check the van. I was chatting with the driver and here "Sarah" spoken feebly behind me. I turned around and there is Bill..on the ground...fallen on his back...on the side of the a puddle... I burst out laughing! oh man...the poor guy fell probably about 3 feet onto his back. He wasn't hurt which was good but I definitely told this story about 5 times already today... So anyways. The driver being a great guy took us back to the parking lot and I found my wallet. Then Bill and I walked over to the Dugout after dropping the van off at CT.
The rest of the day was fine... I planned out the lessons for the drama elective which is giong to be happening in July at the Dugout. We are going to have a bunch of electives planned (about 4 a day or something) for 4 weeks and I guess it will kind of be like camp or something. Just different programs kids can just come as they please during the summer. So ya...
To end, I have my first interview for Ink Speaks tomorrow! I am thuper duper excited and so just pray that that will go well. And of course it is my birthday on Wednesday! yay! Okay enough for now. Miss you!
Friday, June 06, 2008
Day 10 - Skateboarding and town touring...
Sooo yesterday I learned to skateboard. (Hey, Michelle do we still have that board back at home? Do you even read this?) Me and Amanda and Hannah were attempting to teach ourselves and we did pretty good if you ask me. I ended up getting around the the whole island thing in the middle without falling off! haha Then I got a little over confident and tried to ride the wall a bit... then I fell. Hard. I got this huge spray paint stain on my knee. As Amanda said, "Pride comes before the fall." Actually, I wasn't like... prideful or anything, I was just trying out some new stuff.
What else happened...Seana and I stayed up until later than we should have...we just got caught up talking, which we haven't done for a while and really needed to do. I got to go the Campbell's music which is this awesome music store. I bought some picks because I lost a few of my favorites by lending them out to kids. Adam also figured out how to set up the amp and music equipment here so I got to try out my pickup for the first time! It was soo good! haha I was actually the most excited person ever. Jen and I went around town to hand out fliers of the programs we are having at the Dugout next week. So we got to see some of the downtown, though we pass most of those places every day driving to work.
So that is pretty much it. I wrote Semper Fi on my arm and some kid asked me if it was a tattoo... "Not Yet!" Soon, soon...
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Day 9 - Time Goes By So Fast!
I have been planning my tattoo out a lot more in the last few days. I have been told Fort McMurray is not the best place not get tattoos but I met a guy named Jed yesterday who told me about this place called Dragon FX in the West Edmonton Mall where he is going to get one on June 6th. He said he would show it to me when he gets back and that I can interview him, which I am really excited about. Actually I have my first interview scheduled for next Tuesday at 11:00 with this girl named Ashley who Rick met at Canadian Tire when we were going to get our van fixed (which was supposed to be fixed yesterday, but when Adam started driving it it was still very broken!)
Anyways, back to mine. I am thinking of getting my anchor tattooed up in between my shoulder and the lower part of my neck if that gives you any idea. I was reading through this book called The Tattoo Encyclopedia by Terisa Green. In it I looked up anchor and found this anchor cross (also called crux dissimulatat) and fell in love with it. It originally was used as a hidden symbol of Christianity for those who had fear of persecution. I want it to represent how far we have come and how faithful our Saviour has been to us over the course of history. And I finally found a verse to back it up: Hebrew 6:19 and surrounding verses which read:
(Read it in a different version if you want, thats the only one I had handy.)
Oh and parents! I need a note of permission for Rick just so he can have a sound mind because I forgot to get one before I left.
Alright so I must acutally start working now because it is almost 12 and I have a bunch of stuff to read!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Day Seven - At the Dugout
So to answer you questions daddy, yes we did have to drive in the rain; it wasn't that bad though. It never rained very hard.
Now about why we stopped in Marathon. At the time we didn't want everyone to worry so we didn't post anything. BUT, Rick (aka Big Daddy K or BDK for short) decided it would be a good idea to skateboard down a ramp. He landed on his back hard and broke a few ribs. But God was definitely looking after us. We had to stop because Rick was not doing well at all. Luckily, there was a hospital only 10 minutes away. AND If we had taken the RV, no one else could have driven because Rick is the only one with the license to drive it. Then... driving got back to normal until our last day when our van broke down. Yes, it broke down completely and is still sitting at Canadian Tire. So we waited on the side of the road for about 3 hours and took pictures and had a little worship time. We got a tow and Seana's CAA covered it and we all got back safely.
So right now I am sitting in the Dugout which is the awesomest place ever! It's a community youth center kind of like the Bridge. Yesterday we cleaned a lot...Me Seana and Ailin got the bathrooms. It was actually pretty disgusting. The was quite a bit of graffiti in the boy's and we had to scrub that down. And in the girls bathroom there was an out of order toilet...of course being curious we all wanted to know why exactly it was out of order... put it this way, if someone's body was capable of doing that to the toilet, they should be in the hospital! ick!
The rest of the day and most of this morning we have been playing Rock Band, which is the funnest time of my life. We've met a few kids and I am starting to read up on stuff for the Ink Speaks stories. We have definitely been praying a lot and I am sure you can see just how incredibly faithful God has been in taking care of us.
As for where we are living, we are definitely being spoiled. Most of us have our own rooms and only two are sleeping on couches, which just happen to be more comfortable than my bed. WE have some really nice neighbours. Their names are Calvin, Travis, Ben, Ken, Josh, and Josh. haha WE only met four of them, not Ken or the other Josh. We borrowed a kettle from them to make tea and found out they had rock band so we will probably be over there a lot...haha. That is if I don't get tired of it...totally kidding!
Alright so that is all for now. I would just love for you all to continue to pray for our team while we are away. I miss you all as always and love you soo much! I will try to stay in contact as much as possible. I just bought a calling card and am going to attempt to call my family tonight. If it works out you may hear from me.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Day Two
So Seana and I got really bored on the drive and sitting in the front seat, soooo I decided to document what happened every minute of our drive for about 20 minutes. Here is what we got:
1:00 pm - We are bored. Madness is consuming us. Rick is going 10 k/m over the speed limit.
1:01 - We just passed Fungus Lake, Fungus Creek and Paint Lake. We thought these names were quite humorous.
1:02-03 - We laughed at the thought of our femurs (again, look it up) going through our butt.
1:04-05 - We talked about the after-taste of a banana, which led to talk of poo and how I know what poo tastes like because I drank water. (Don't ask)
1:06 - I fell behind in documenting minute by minute.
1:07 - We thought of Michael Jackson.
1:08 - We pumped up the jams. And then switched lanes and giggled about it.
1:09 - Rick switched before the end of the lane. We used our crippled wipers to rid our windshield of bug residue. We passed water.
1:10 - We decided to watch a movie.
1:11 - Thanks to me picking the right hand (the hand on the right) we chose Ratatouille.
1:12 - We admired "our car" Mail. Manitouwadge sounds like sewage.
1:13 - Movie has begun. Buds splatter. Wipers go for the 10th time. Seana spat on the steering wheel.
1:14 - We laughed at the previous entry. I stuttered (in Spanish). We talked about how cute Wall-E is and giggles.
1:15 - Seana's pinkie finger hurts.
1:16 - We laughed at the thought of our femurs going through our butt.
1:17 - Decided to stop minute by minute documentation.
1:19 - Resumed minute by minute documentation because I am such an idiot that I had to document my idiocrity. I tried to pour water on to the windshield, it blew back onto my arm, watch and everywhere inside the car.
3:42 - "Are you sure he isn't just a mole with a mole's face?"
3:45 - Waved at construction men. I spat on the steering wheel. Gross!
5:36 - Sitting in a parking lot trying to find internet.
6:36 - Sitting in the Marathon library typing while sitting beside Amanda and deciding to make a facebook group for Fort Mac 08.
So that is us so far. I have no idea what time we are going to get in tonight, but I do know that over the next couple days we are driving for a much longer time. For example, today we are driving 755 kilometers. Tomorrow 926 and the day after (which I liked to refer to as Hobbema Day or Death Day) an incredible 1518! That is probably going to kill us. that is at least 9 hours of driving each with two drivers per car.
Well that is all for now.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Fort Mac Journey - Day One
I need to go shower so I will make this quick. I already miss you all!
We pretty much drove the whole day. We didn't actually get started until about 10:30 because we stopped at KAOS so Rick could make some calls. Seana started out and got the funnest drive, 401 baby! Than I went for about 3 and a half hours and then Amanda took over for the last 3 1/2 hour leg of the journey.
We made quite a few stops on the way, the first at Leah Jean's and then at many Tim Horton's because Rick needs his coffee. Right now I am at Leah's grandparents in Bruce Mines, Ontario, which I have been told is about 15 miles from Elliot Lake or something like that.
Really not that much happened. I am in a car with Seana, Melody and Amanda. It isn't too cramped and we have a lot of fun! We named the car Mailun which is Lumina with all the letters mixed up. I call her Mail for short but everyone else wants to call her May or something. What fun is that?! We listened to Jump 4, some of melody's random Japanese music, and watched Back to the Future 2 on the laptop.
Tomorrow should be fun. I mean today we drove basically from 10:30 until 7:30-ish. Tomorrow is going to be about 2 hours longer. We have been reminded to stop in Wawa for gas and not to speed because the cops love it there...Thank you Mrs Telford!
Tonight we had a great worship and devo time. Melody had us do a friendship web and I think it was great just to hear more about the people we are traveling with and also to give some affirming words to everyone. So far I am loving the people I am going to be working with. They are all so genuinely excited to be here and I can tell God has brought us all together for a reason. We will see what those purposes are in His time though!
Alright so that is my update. Read Seana's on for more info.
Love you all and miss you soo much!