Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Relax, Take It Ea-easy...

State: Relaxing, catching up on my online stuff. This is my only day off from work this week so I am taking full advantage of it. Rachel is home so I am hanging out with her later too!
Book: The Hours by Michael Cunningham. I am still in the works with Angels and Demons too.
Music: Bittersweet by Kanye West ft. John Mayer. I love the chorus, the rest is all cursing...
Interesting thing that happened today: Im not working. But hey, I am back at Trent Bookstore in January for the next rush. Not permanently...No one wants me permanently! Ugh...it's frustrating!

I had to write a ton of poetry for writer's craft! A poem cycle...it contained 6 poems. I called it Six Elements of Mourning. It's basically the stages of dealing with death or a great tragedy. Maybe I'll post one every time or something. but i don't want to end up like one of those annoying emo kids who posts all their feelins on their blogs...Oh well, their not emotional poems, they are more imagist than anything else in my opinion. Im not even sure if they're any good. If you have comments...

First Poem from Six Elements of Mourning

1. When Water Dies And Becomes Ice

A lone girl struggles
across the ocean floor.
One solitary bubble escapes
her lips, bursting
as it reaches the surface.

The brook no longer bubbles,
but coils and slithers
inside the intestines.
There it freezes,
reeking of permanency.

The ice is heavy.
It anchors her to the coral.
She is forced to watch
as a shark devours
a lonely, silver fish.

As time passes, the girl’s shivering
creates ripples in the water.
The ocean floor is silent.
The captives then allows
her tears swim with the fish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
