Thursday, July 03, 2008
Amazing Spirit-Filled Night
Tonight we had prayer and intersession. It was basically amazing! I don't know how else to describe it. I love Thursday night because we are always so filled with the spirit and it is such a time of refreshment. Tonight though I was asked by Sarah Kirshner to sing with her and Justin who usually lead. I also had this book of verses for different occasions that Rick gave me to read verses out of. Just singing in the spirit is the best experience for me because I feel like I am actually using my God-given gift for his will. Then Rick, Kathy, Bill, and Sam prayed over me. It was just really affirming in what I was doing and really encouraging to me to pursue God's purpose for me here, to not be afraid and just go with the Spirit's leading. At one point someone mentioned something about being a daughter of the King, a princess, and that is what my name means and what my mom always reminds me of. She also gave me this book which is little messages from God to his princess which apply to different situations and discouragements. I was crying a lot... I needed it though because it has been a pretty stressful.
Anyways... ya that was my night. Now I am talking to some friends on french to one... haha yay!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
My so-called busy life...
I am sorry that I have sucked this passed little while. I have been so busy that I haven't even checked facebook... *GASP* I know! They really should just add facebook into the dictionary... I don't know why it still comes up as an error. I guess I could just add it.
So I have been so busy because of Ink Speaks...but also because of Canada Day. We had the big Hawk Nelson Show on Monday night. That was crazy and I did get to go on stage for a few songs because our team got backstage passes. BUT we only got three or something so we had to trade up. I got pics but on someone not from our teams camera so I will have to wait until she adds me on facebook to get them. Then yesterday was the parade and stuff. It was exhausting and we all dressed up like clowns and handed out candy. It was cold but Sam and I had to run around to KAOS and then catch up to the float again so my makeup was melting a little bit. Then we had to help out around the Dugout for the giant barbecue. Let me explain that Canada Day is a huge thing here and there were people everywhere, tents lining the streets with vendor and food and free t-shirts. It was a lot of fun. I saw this mountain bike stunt demo and it was pretty cool though the guys really needed to practice up a bit. I did some interviews... Then we were doing some dramas in the GAS (guaranteed applause show) and there were bands playing and Jason from Hawk came and preformed a few songs. The Rezz Dawgs also came and did like...two.
Then today we started electives which kids can take morning and afternoon. Right now we are doing drama and music. I am the drama co-coordinator but today I was teaching guitar to a couple kids. We only have two and I need one so I could only teach one at a time but it works out. And now I should be transcribing because I am very behind yet again. So I will leave it at this and you can leave a comment!